
I have always loved to create, design, play with color and textiles since I was a little. This is my outlet and the way I use my spare time. Granted, I like you, probably don't and won't ever have as much spare time as I'd like BUT I do try to make the most of it. Enjoy your spare time browsing my blog. Share any ideas, comments and websites.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Painted Pepper Grinder

So I'm not much of a painter, or haven't lately, but this is definitely an easy to easy medium craft. Just takes a wooden pepper grinder, sand paper and acrylic paint. I found this idea here and made it for a decent amount less and the exact colors I wanted for my sister's kitchen.

Pepper Grinder: I found one at Orson Gygi in SLC for $16 for a 12" one. Didn't have much luck at Bed Bath and Beyond and a few other places I tried. Well, I found them but they were upwards of $30 or so.

Scuff up pepper grinder with sand paper. I didn't do this and paid for it by doing TONS of coats of paint.

Decide on your color and pattern. I painted 3 at a time, basically so the wet paint was painted next to the wood or dry paint.

For the roses I painted red circles, used a really small brush to draw the black swirl on. In hind sight, I wish I'd made the roses a bit bigger to make it easier, but I like it just fine. For the leaves I painted in a light green and shaded one side with a darker green.

Everything else I just freehanded and made it work as I went along. Have fun being creative!

I don't love the top...I think it kinda looks like a lady bug...or maybe spilled pepper :)

I had LOTS of fun doing this project! I plan to make more for gifts...

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