Pepper Grinder: I found one at Orson Gygi in SLC for $16 for a 12" one. Didn't have much luck at Bed Bath and Beyond and a few other places I tried. Well, I found them but they were upwards of $30 or so.
Scuff up pepper grinder with sand paper. I didn't do this and paid for it by doing TONS of coats of paint.
Decide on your color and pattern. I painted 3 at a time, basically so the wet paint was painted next to the wood or dry paint.
For the roses I painted red circles, used a really small brush to draw the black swirl on. In hind sight, I wish I'd made the roses a bit bigger to make it easier, but I like it just fine. For the leaves I painted in a light green and shaded one side with a darker green.
Everything else I just freehanded and made it work as I went along. Have fun being creative!
I had LOTS of fun doing this project! I plan to make more for gifts...
Super Cute Mel! Can't wait for the update!