
I have always loved to create, design, play with color and textiles since I was a little. This is my outlet and the way I use my spare time. Granted, I like you, probably don't and won't ever have as much spare time as I'd like BUT I do try to make the most of it. Enjoy your spare time browsing my blog. Share any ideas, comments and websites.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Super Saturday Projects

So it's that time of year again. This is what we're doing this year. This I found on this website. It's a great affordable site for church and home craft stuff.
Found a lady in Utah that will do these specialized for $6 each. Awesome huh?

These are double sided blocks. So home/fall go together and spring/summer. So you just flip them around and wala (is that how you spell wala?) you have the next season ready!
So it's actually a painted wooden doorknob that is hot glued onto the A.

1 comment:

  1. I thought I was going to miss your fabulous creativity, but now I get to steal all your ideas from your new blog! yay! :) love the seasonal blocks.

    p.s. the word is "voila" not "wala." it's french and literally means something like, "there it is," but the way we use it is more like, "ta-da!" :)
